Vocal warm-ups are a necessity for every singer to do before a performance or an audition.
Vocal instructor Katie Colosimo explains why they are important.
“The benefits of vocal warm ups; I call them the three P’s. It prevents vocal injury, promotes
consistent vocal growth and prepares you mentally and physically for singing success.”
Having proper air flow while singing a song can make or break how the pronunciation of a word
is sung. Fortunately there is a warm-up that can help strengthen and open the voice for air flow.
I start with a meh; m e h and I add excess air like a dog pant throughout it (nats: dog pant) on
top of that tone. So, “meh, meh, meh, meh, meh, meh, meh.”
If you don’t have access to a piano to practice the warm-up, no need to worry. There are tons of
warm-ups accessible to you by just using your voice.
Vocal Instructor Sophie Sheer shares a few starting with lip trails.
“ (nats: lip trail), up and down then I typically like to do the vacuum cleaner (nats: vacuum
cleaner) and then I like to do the creaky door as well (nats: creaky door)”
The lip trail gets rid of strain all across your range, the vacuum cleaner warms up your chest
and head voice to help you sing loud without shouting and the creaky door connects vocal cords
to avoid putting strain on your neck muscles.
For Middle Tennessee News, I am Olivia Cate
Nashville, Tennessee. Better known as the music city that attracts thousands of aspiring artists
to move here every year.
Local artists gathered at a songwriters night event to share tips on how to proceed a career in
the business. One of the artists, Emily Landis gave insight on how to get involved.
“If you go to shows around town, go to writers rounds, Whiskey Jam, with all the networking,
you’ll find new people in town as well who are singing songs that you like, oh, I love their song.
You should introduce yourself to them after the round and maybe you guys can write together.”
Also, other businesses like Belcourt Taps and Alley Taps in Nashville hold writer rounds. Co-
writing as much as possible increases the chances of exposure and getting paid for your work
since you are able to sell your songs to other artists.
Furthermore, interning at a publishing company can give you a greater perspective on the music industry.
For Middle Tennessee News, I am Olivia Cate